Friday, December 24, 2010

Zoonar strengthens its international partners network

The picture agency Zoonar (Hamburg, Germany) announced the Photolibrary picture agency is the latest partner. Now there are six reselling partners in the company network. In addition to the German suppliers DDP Images, Fotofinder, DFJV and Picturemaxx, the photographers can now also offer their photos via Alamy, AGE/THP and Photolibrary.

As of 24 December 2010, Zoonar offers the photographers a lump-sum share of 60% of all received commissions via the partner network. A brilliant commission in comparison to other international agencies.

Zoonar's CEO Michael Krabs announces the aim of integrating further partner agencies in 2011. "Our aim in the long term is getting 20-30 partners who are extremely well in direct selling." According to Michael Krabs 100 agencies can already be integrated in the selling with the existing partners. The winning of sales networks is very popular in the agency business. 

Though the speciality of Zoonar according to Krabs is "that the photographers own the complete control over their pictures and that they can variously distribute single photos, price segments or license types. Other than that, microstock photos can be integrated in the distribution network".

According to Zoonar's CEO, the sale via the new partner network will mainly start in the first quarter of 2011. That's why they calculate with a considerable growth in sales as of the second quarter of 2011.

All of the above sounds nice. Let’s wait to see how the guys cope with this.

Monday, December 20, 2010

123RF minor interface change for submitting artists

123RF image agency has recently relocated the 'Sell Images' tab to accommodate the webpage appearance.
You may access all Contributor related links by clicking the `Sell Images` link located at the footer of the main page under `For Photographers`.

Well, it seems not as convenient as before, but it does save the page space for the search index bar.

If you are not yet registered at 123RF, you can join the agency here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Keymaster program changes at Dreamstime

The keymaster program from Dreamstime has been frequently used lately and those using the program might have seen an increase in the pending time for their images to be keyworded. At this point, the images submitted via this program are far too many for the existing keymasters to handle. There is a need to select new members as well as motivate the existing ones to work faster and better. Hence, it was decided to increase the price for this service. The new price is $0.60/file keyworded via this program.

The new pricing structure goes live as of December 15th. All images submitted and/or reviewed prior to this date that are pending for keywording are charged at the old $0.40 price. The price, although increased, is claimed to still be the lowest in the industry.

Dreamstime also points out that the images submitted for re-keywording are now given low priority for keywording. They will be keyworded but the pending time will be longer than that of newly uploaded files.

Monday, December 13, 2010

iStockphoto Now Accepting Contributor Submissions of Editorial Images to be Offered on Early Next Year

iStockphoto has announced to its community of more than 85,000 contributing artists that in January it will begin accepting images for use under a new “editorial use only” licensing agreement to be rolled out in early 2011. These images will be available to those needing non-released imagery such as news outlets, publishers, magazines, bloggers and presenters. They will be licensed for use as a descriptive visual reference to a product, place, event or concept.

While all images currently available on can be used for editorial purposes today, they are most commonly used commercially for advertising and promotional materials. This creative type of usage requires contributors to follow a stringent set of guidelines. For example, images of specific products or anything marked with a logo are not allowed, images of people require model releases, and many buildings and landmarks may not be shown.

Because editorial only images may not be used for commercial purposes, they are not subject to the same guidelines. This makes it easier for contributors to provide additional content and provides customers with access to more great imagery.

iStock is currently accepting several types of editorial imagery including:

                  Architecture and landmarks
                  Travel and lifestyle
                  Social commentary
                  Urban living

iStock is not looking for time-sensitive news items or images or items that fall within the realm of traditional photojournalism. Contributors looking to submit these types of images are encouraged to contact Getty Images. For more information on submitting editorial content, please visit

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Image descriptions now matter more on Shutterstock

Shutterstock team has adjusted its search engine to consider image descriptions as more valuable than before. Now the descriptions are treated the same as keywords, according to Shutterstock. It means that you have to be careful when writing a proper description. Try to work on it as thoroughly, as you work on the keywords.

If you have previously neglected the description field, now it is time to start paying attention to it. First briefly describe the image in terms of who or what is shown there. Then mention what is the action on that image. Afterwards, you can add some adjectives and also a description of the conditions/environment. Now you have to put all the above into a one normal sentence. Try to implement one or few most significant keywords into it. Be sure not to spam and never duplicate many keywords in the description field.

This alteration of the search engine will somewhat shuffle a search order on a number of images. Let’s hope it will have a positive effect on your photos. If you are not yet at Shutterstock, come there and join the best selling image agency.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

iSyndica is closing

Very sad news came in… The greatest service up to date for microstock industry is living up its last days. iSyndica will close on October 10. Thousands of photographers who were using this service feel really disappointed now. For many of them, iSyndica was the only microstock tool worth its cost. A comprehensive and functional, it worked with most agencies and strongly optimized the workflow.

There are no reasons shown for this decision; I just hope that those will be disclosed soon. Moreover, I hope it was not a marketing trick from the authors of iSyndica to gain major attention and open the service again. Right now, there is a vacuum on the market for a project like iSyndica. Whoever will do something similar, correcting some iSyndica drawbacks, is going get thousands of users fast.

I see no other substitute for iSyndica. Do you?

Read the original announcement at iSyndica

Monday, September 27, 2010

What is micro stock photography?

Alright, I will start this blog with a brief description on what is microstock and why someone would buy or sell the royalty-free images online. Micro stock photography means an industry of low-cost stock images. From a photographer’s point of view, it means some websites where you can sell your photos, and someone can buy them for a micro payment, like a few dollars. Usually, designers and editors are the ones who buy such images.

Traditionally, stock images have been quite expensive, and it was tough to use high-quality photos in a web design project or a small business brochure. When micro stock business model appeared, a much wider audience got an access to high quality inexpensive photographs available just in a few clicks. Nowadays you can notice these images everywhere around you – in the ad posters, on billboards, in the corporate media, on product packaging and even in the private blogs.

Micro stock photography attracted lots of new photographers to the image sales business. Now you don’t have to be a real professional with over 25 years of studio experience to sell the images of green apples online. Yes, quality does matter, but now you can at least try earning some extra money on your hobby. Many amateur photographers can pay off their equipment (camera, lenses and accessories) selling images at photobanks. So the hobby eventually starts to pay off itself! And some who have enough patience start earning decent money. Or if you are an experienced photographer, you can boost your income with online sales. You will need patience to understand the principles of microstocking, but it may be worth it.

There are devoted people making $100K per year on microstocking while the industry leaders earn over a million annually. What I personally like is that the demand for royalty-free photos is growing every year. I will not close my eyes on the constantly growing number of photo contributors, but successful ones make more and more every year. So, if you are ready to explore the new opportunities, there is a list of most popular microstock agencies here. Good luck!